The foundation of concrete slabs. All "For" and "Against"

The foundation of concrete slabs. Another article is devoted to building foundations. The foundation we have been associated with the digging of trenches, concrete mixers, excavators, formwork. In most cases - that is, build the base for the home. But if you analyze the cases with a high water table or soils with low bearing capacity? Then there is no version of the tape or the pile foundation. We are talking about a wooden house, whose weight does not require very large buried solid foundations. A special case, when a light wooden house should be mounted on the sea shore, where a few meters in depth - just sand.

Slab foundation - not the only solution, but the right decision! Consider all the "For" and "Against" the foundation of the plates. A simple device for a monolithic slab foundation made of concrete and covered in a solid concrete pad. On these foundations said many in the literature and the Internet. We will stop our attention on the foundations made of road and airport concrete slabs

As we mentioned, the greatest use of these foundations are on the coast of the sea during the construction of log cabins on the sands. This type of foundation is not afraid of any movement and deformation of soil and groundwater. The ideal structures of plate to the foundation are holiday homes and cottages in the 1-2 floors.
In practice, our company has two houses built on the foundations of the airport ready to board. Both of them are on the coast of the Crimea. It is dominated by soils of rakushnika and sand. Therefore, the construction of a sunken strip foundation was not possible. Due to the fact that the sale of road plates are not uncommon and they are available in almost every district center - the relevance of the issue of such foundations is not lost.
Features of the basement of the airport or road boards:
a. Increased demands on the flatness of the horizontal section. High quality training base for the foundation - arrangement of sand and gravel pads. Pillow tamped special machine, on top of a layer of rubble recommend laying geotextile to prevent subsidence of sand in a layer of crushed stone and as a consequence - shrinkage pillows.
b. The need for waterproofing foundation slab (eg geomembrane Art Studio), the creation of a drainage system.
c. Recommended for first raising the crown of the house and to strengthen the structures are reinforced mounting height of 20-25 cm (above the base of the snow cover). Installation of the belt at the same time prevents the horizontal movement of the plate and binds them together.
d. When the device is not the foundation slab dug to a depth of soil freezing. And it ranges from 80-90 cm in Ukraine and up to 1.5 - 1.7 m in the north of Moscow region. This foundation is called "floating."
e. Many experts recommend covering the foundations monolithic layer of concrete on top of precast panels, or from cross-sectional precast concrete beams.
f. In the Scandinavian countries, where high degree of soil freezing for frost protection is applied penopropilenovaya isolation, ie insulation (foam) placed on a granite rubble.
g. For low-rise building can be used in wood stoves road as a floating foundation. This is the best solution for baths, outbuildings, etc.

Precast foundation slabs. Scheme.The design is not deep foundations of the road
reinforced concrete slabs:

1 - Ground 2 - bag of sand and gravel, 3 - heavy concrete slab road, 4 - waterproofing, 5 - concrete monolithic layer, 6 - leveling cement-sandy layer beneath the floor;

Foundations on slabs is not conventional and its installation is needed is a clear and competent geology calculation.

Last Updated (Wednesday, 30 May 2012 13:27)

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