Roof structure. Arrangement structure of the roof wooden house.
Arrangement structure of the roof wooden house
The roof structure with insulation of 150 mm of mineral wool to cover the asphalt(polymer-) tiles. As a basis for the covering plate can be used OSB board or QSBand entirely covered with a roof plane.
Using modern bitumen-polymer materials makes the roof of a wooden house"quiet." However, it does not create noise in the rain and wind loads.
Roofing - an important part of the design of the house. During operation, it does not require sophisticated maintenance and capital investment, and will last a really long time. One important factor in long life of the roof is the lack of accumulation of moisture in the form of water or steam. This can be achieved with good ventilation, insulation quality, providing professional installation of the roof. Metal will last a long time for quality work and compliance with operating conditions. This is particularly important condition for the regeneration of the attic insulation and attic. The design of the cold attic, as a rule, implies adequate ventilation, but it requires the observance of installation technology. Professional installation of metal ensures long life of your roof.
The main enemy of the construction is moisture in the air. In the daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations in metal and other parts of the structure formed by condensation. In addition, especially during the cold season, when the temperature difference in a heater can reach tens of degrees, from the contained air and moisture accumulates. The lower the temperature, the greater the pressure of water vapor from the room in under-roof space, and cold air can hold less vapor. Insulation was full of moisture, no longer fulfill its role. The moisture also leads to corrosion of the structure. Source of moisture can also serve as the rain and melt water. Particular attention should be paid during installation, not only for protection from rain, and snow from the direction of incidence which can be horizontal.
And, of course, most importantly, it is necessary to strictly follow the installation instructions, guidelines, producers of materials and perform work at a professional level. Bonding of metal requires a qualification.
So, if you want to serve as roofing for a long time, then: Spend your money away and be sure to provide ventilation of the roof!
For good ventilation is necessary to provide air circulation. As noted earlier, the design should include filing cornice free air around the perimeter, for example, soffit lining with perforations or with an air gap between the boards.
Normal air movement - from the eave to the ridge due to heating of the roof, as sunlight and warm the house, means the output air from the ridge. At high pitch length (more than 7 - 10 m depending on the design and shape of the slope) is necessary to install additional air outlets.
Thermal insulation
One sign of poor quality or insufficient insulation of the roof is the formation of condensation on interior walls or vapor barriers. The climate of the middle band of insulation thickness is usually chosen at least 150 mm depending on material, wall thickness, the manufacturer's recommendations.
To prevent the leakage of heat insulation boards should be installed as close as possible to the walls and ceiling of the attic, and with several layers of insulation - to each other, preventing the deformation of plates. It is essential that a heater was initially dry and does not get under the precipitation during installation. Often this first mounted waterproof film, especially in larger homes, where the timing of work are long.
Size of insulation can affect the choice of pitch rafters. That's why it's better to decide in advance the choice of material. So for a heater with a width of Paroc IL 565 and 100 mm wide rafters estimated distance between the center truss 665 mm. It has to be reduced by 15 mm to a heater plate held between the rafters, and no air can circulate between them. For the final fix will require more delicate strips across the bottom of the rafters. The distance between the rafters and can affect the size of the dormers.
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Last Updated (Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:03)