Wood protection

Protection of wood, finished parts from glued profiled beam construction and wooden buildings from decay, insects and fire losses


There are a number of constructive steps to prevent rotting of wood - its isolation from soil, masonry, concrete, wood ventilation device structures, protection from precipitation coating or waterproofing materials. But these measures may not always fully protect the wood from moisture and there is a need in the treatment of wood materials and products antiseptic. There are a number of constructive steps to prevent rotting of wood-its isolation from soil, masonry, concrete, provitryuvannyaderev'yanyh device structures, protection from precipitation coating paints, varnishes and waterproofing materials. But these measures may not always fully protect the wood from moisture and there is a need to protect wooden materials and antiseptic products.



Protection of wood against fire.

The task of fire protection of wooden structures usually solved by surface treatment orimpregnation of deep fire protection solution. Treatment should transfer timber or so-called group of materials which are difficult to burn, or so-called group of materials for non-fire is achieved using solutions of group 2 fireproof efficiency.

Antiseptics-retardants: HMBB-3324-3324 HMBB medication designed to protectwood from biological deterioration in service classes VIII - XIII GOST 20022.2 andattached to antypirennyh properties. Used to protect wood in contact with water andexposed to water. Deeply penetrates the wood, prevents the appearance of mold, rotand fire. Preparations HMBB-3324 belong to the class of water soluble, not washed.The cost of the solution - 1 liter of 3-4 square meters of surface.


Protection from bugs.

The drug "BS-13" (VII Class protection bio) is one of the most popular and inexpensive means of fire-and bio-safe timber. Designed for wood, protected from rainfall. Converts wood in the group hardly combustible materials, prevents fungi, mold and insects. Save a tree structure, not prevent the painting, varnishing and gluing. Do not change the color of wood. The drug group vidnosytsya to moderate washing away. The drug conforms to GOST 28815-96. Scope: Wood, protected from precipitation (domestic heating and unheated space with periodic freezing or exposure to materials that are periodically moistened). Allowed contact with the condensate, which periodically formed on the surface or flows. For example: wooden partitions, doors, roof timbers, logs, wooden floor beams and so on.

"Barer-BIO" (Russia) - Antiseptic properties of drying on wood. Purpose: to protect wood from rot, mold, bugs. Specifications: consumption of 0.5 l / m 2 (processing 2 layers). The validity of the protective properties of the deposited at least 15 years.When unfreezing properties not lose. Storage time of 12 months. Features: High-stop shop for biosecurity products and wooden constructions. It does not smell. Color: "bog oak.


Protection of wood against fungi and mold

The drug, XM-11 "(XIII class bio protection) is one of the most effective drugs for the protection of wood, which is outdoors, under the influence of rainfall in prolonged contact with soil, and under awnings and inside buildings. HM-11 - Powerful protection against fungi, mold and insects. Destroys existing fungi and mold, stop the process of destruction. Increases service life of wood in 25-45 years. HM-11 - Save a tree structure, without prejudice to painting, varnishing and gluing. Adds a light greenish tree (pistachio) color. After applying the wood can be used without further treatment, paint or varnish.

Scope: supporting columns, and pile logs, open decks and bridges, wooden items balconies, roofs, besidok, fences, livestock facilities and buildings as outside and inside buildings.

Imprehnat "Sniezka is intended: treatment of wood decay, mold and insects.Specifications: consumption of 11 m square. - Liter. The validity of the protective properties of the deposited not less than 4 years. When unfreezing properties not lose. Term preservation of 24 months. Features: wood makes biologically secure. For exterior use, gives effect varnish. It does not smell. Color: colorless or "pine"

Last Updated (Wednesday, 14 March 2012 10:50)

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