The thickness of the walls of wooden houses from lumber

Товщина стін будинку з бруса. ФотоRegular customer who wants to build a house, especially on the internet looking for a design that matches the dream of a private home. And only then - start studying the intricacies of wooden construction. Although we have long ago decided to sanitary standards ("Heat Engineering Construction"). If we consider all their demands, the width of the walls of a wooden house should be 54 cm! Even, it is difficult to imagine any of the tree will have to build a wooden house and what a trunk diameter will be equal to half a meter! In practice, it looks a lot easier. Private developers in the region with the climate in the Moscow region and the northern regions of Ukraine are building the house of conifers with thick walls 22-28 cm Such walls provide good thermal protection, which does not yield the same wall thickness of the ceramic block or brick.
Wall thickness of 54 cm turned out to calculate the thermal resistance taking into account the occurrence of the dew point and the depth of the freezing timber.
The important role played by the appointment of construction. For the Moscow region is regulated by the resistance to heat transfer wall to comply with comfortable living conditions 1,1 ° C • m sq. / W, and according to the requirements of energy conservation - 3,33 ° C • m sq. / watt (for the house of residence) and 2,16 ° C • m sq. / watt (for seasonal living at home).

Товщина стін будинку з бруса. Таблиця.

If we consider the data in the table, it becomes clear that the two conditions required to observe the construction of exterior walls: the comfort and energy savings. Therefore, to ensure both the requirements for sanitary standards of comfort and home should be built of timber with a minimum thickness of 165 mm. And to ensure that standards for energy efficiency, the thickness of the walls of the house from lumber shall be not less than 500 mm. Theoretically, this means that all walls (including stone) a reasonable size - must be warm! But as a rule, a layer of insulation affects the aesthetic appearance of the house from a bar.
Pine is a pine tree - strife! Of course, the wood of different species of wood - is different. Siberian pine - strong, but due to the high density of annual rings - cooler than the species of wood with lower density. Ukrainian fir - soft, but warm. Combine the best qualities of these trees can glued profiled beam. If the inner lamella of spruce to make, and the outer lamella of larch or pine - timber will warm, strong and durable.
In a large wall thickness is possible to create shaped timber with the number of grooves and ridges of the cross-section larger than 2. This design allows us not to lay insulation between the beams. Three crest and a wall did not do more for the blowing wind. Losing financially in the purchase of the more massive the material - we save on the purchase of a heater and do not pay for work on its installation between the crowns. It also increases the speed of construction. In each case it is necessary to seek a compromise between the wall thickness, shape, laminated veneer lumber and the necessity of laying additional insulation between the crowns of the house.
If you decide to insulate the wall of a wooden house, we note that the mineral wool 5 cm thick brick wall, equivalent to 50 cm thick. Draw conclusions! And to the appearance of a wooden house was not damaged when it is warming, we recommend that you use for decorative siding (block house). The maximum simulated cylindrical shaped timber, and will not spoil the design of wooden houses.
To sum up. In temperate climatic zone with cold winter, we recommend choosing the thickness of the walls of wooden houses from glued beams 20-22 cm for permanent residence, and 12-16 - for a seasonal residence.
If we consider the data in the table, it becomes clear that the two conditions required to observe the construction of exterior walls: the comfort and energy savings. Therefore, to ensure both the requirements for sanitary standards of comfort and home should be built of timber with a minimum thickness of 165 mm. And to ensure that standards for energy efficiency, the thickness of the walls of the house from lumber shall be not less than 500 mm. Theoretically, this means that all walls (including stone) a reasonable size - must be warm! But as a rule, a layer of insulation affects the aesthetic appearance of the house from a bar.
Pine is a pine tree - strife! Of course, the wood of different species of wood - is different. Siberian pine - strong, but due to the high density of annual rings - cooler than the species of wood with lower density. Ukrainian fir - soft, but warm. Combine the best qualities of these trees can glued profiled beam. If the inner lamella of spruce to make, and the outer lamella of larch or pine - timber will warm, strong and durable.
In a large wall thickness is possible to create shaped timber with the number of grooves and ridges of the cross-section larger than 2. This design allows us not to lay insulation between the beams. Three crest and a wall did not do more for the blowing wind. Losing financially in the purchase of the more massive the material - we save on the purchase of a heater and do not pay for work on its installation between the crowns. It also increases the speed of construction. In each case it is necessary to seek a compromise between the wall thickness, shape, laminated veneer lumber and the necessity of laying additional insulation between the crowns of the house.
If you decide to insulate the wall of a wooden house, we note that the mineral wool 5 cm thick brick wall, equivalent to 50 cm thick. Draw conclusions! And to the appearance of a wooden house was not damaged when it is warming, we recommend that you use for decorative siding (block house). The maximum simulated cylindrical shaped timber, and will not spoil the design of wooden houses.
To sum up. In temperate climatic zone with cold winter, we recommend choosing the thickness of the walls of wooden houses from glued beams 20-22 cm for permanent residence, and 12-16 - for a seasonal residence.
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Last Updated (Sunday, 13 May 2012 06:52)

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