Wooden Garden Swing.

Wooden Garden Swing.Swing - swing for the construction of both for fun or entertainment. Mounted on the playgrounds, recreation areas, etc. (Wikipedia). So coldly and briefly Wikipedia describes this most common form of childhood fun. Why children? Adults also love to ride on this historic building, which is associated with a set of rituals and pleasures.

Iron, rope, chain, forged, wooden - a huge number of designs and materials. Cutting-edge that you can take to pieces and transported in the trunk of the car - all of them - a constant attribute of a private house or country cottage area. A unique element of landscape design - a swing bridge are from the present into the past childhood.
Feature wooden swing is to give them lateral stability and rigidity. That is the ёtransverse vibrations of the actuator design to failure of the swing. It should be noted that they are constantly in the open and exposed to sun and rain. The high quality of impregnation with antiseptics and paintwork cover - a pledge of long life  fun. Such swings look natural and stylish wood near the house.
The use of timber in the production of massive swing to create a design that will relax and not worry about the reliability of the design. Sturdy frame made of high quality wood and can withstand up to 320 kg load.The fact remains that the original swing is best made by master craftsmen.
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