Gallery arbors. Wooden house from glued timber. tm Romashka - Pavilions, pergola and chapel

Pavilions, pergola and chapel.

Arbour (pol. Altanka - «open terrace," the Italian. Alt - «high»;) - originally so called big balconies, then just started calling area, performance and besidky, where you can enjoy the surrounding scenery, scenery. So Wikipedia treats this work of art construction.


Outdoor gazebos, pavilions with windows of stained glass, wrought iron, a gazebo with a bar or the boards - they have become an integral part of our life and home gardening.


Chapel - Christian religious buildings intended for religious services and prayers.

In the Eastern Christian tradition of the chapel is a small church (often without the aisle), or even a simple pole with the icon. Chapel built on the award of any event or as a tomb in the streets, cemeteries or the outskirts of towns and villages, at the entrance to town, the roads and so on. In the Western tradition of Christianity, and in Greek Catholic chapel is often a full house (the altar) and the possibility of religious services in it.


Pergola (pergolas) - garden device patterned design with repeated sections of arches, interconnected by transverse bars to protect the passage from the scorching sun. Pergola can stand alone or may be part of the building, which closes the open terrace ... Pergola - this beautiful word called openwork design, a distant relative of gazebo that serves as support for curly plants. It is covered with greenery shelters, sometimes corridors with easy to play on pillars or arches. They appeared in the Mediterranean, where used as a simple utilitarian support for vines.

Arbour-swing with a table on the chains
Arbour - frame of the deck.
Arbour "hat" from the deck
Chapel - frame of the deck
Arbour was made ??of logs
Wooden awning
Chapel of the laminated beam (frame) Odessa
Pavilion - gazebo
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